2050 W Chapman Ave #102, Orange, CA92868
(818) 923-6345 (Text message available)

Gui Zhi Tang (桂枝湯)

Clinic located in Orange City, specialized in Pain Control, Headache, Migraine, Menstrual Problems, Menopausal Syndrome, and Infertility - (818) 923-6345

Gui Zhi Tang (桂枝湯)

English name:  Gui Zhi Tang
中文名 :   桂枝湯


raise yang (active energy), harmonize energy, improve energy of Stomach & Spleen Meridian.
功能 :
升散發表 , 調和營衛 補陽明太陰經氣


Wind-cold with weak constitutions, chills, fever, abnormal perspiration, palpitations, headache, vomiting, stuffy nose, stiff neck, body aches, and a floating/deficient pulse.
症狀 :
外感風寒 ( 虛者尤宜 ),  畏寒 發熱 排汗異常 心悸胸悶 頭痛 乾嘔 鼻塞 肩頸僵痛 體痛 脈浮 /


Ingredients( 組成 ):
Cinnamon Bark (Ramulus Cinnamomi, Gui Zhi, 
桂枝 )
Peony (Radix Paeoniae alba, Bai Shao Yao, 
白芍藥 )
Baked Licorice (Radix Glycyrrhizae preparata, Zhi Gan Cao, 
炙甘草 )
Fresh Ginger (Rhizoma Zingiberis recens, Sheng Jiang, 
生薑 )
Jujube (Fructus Jujubae, Da Zao, 
大棗 )




  1. Works better  without eat/drink cold stuff .
  2. Works better  with light,heated diet .
  3. For Wind-cold: Works better to  wear warm  and  sweat a bit  after taking herb.

備註 :

  1. 用藥期間勿食冷 / 飲冷
  2. 用藥期間飲食盡量以好消化 熱食為主 少油膩
  3. 外感病人 用藥後穿暖 喝熱水或熱粥 讓身體稍微出汗有助藥效






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