Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯)
English name: Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
中文名 : 柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯
harmonize and calms energy, improve Spleen and Liver Meridian raising function, improve Bladder, Stomach and Gall bladder Meridian lowering function, Improve bowel movement, increase urination, improve Spleen Qi
功能 :
和解少陽 , 助太陰厥陰升舉 , 助太陽陽明少陽通降, 利尿通便 , 補脾益氣
bitter tast in mouth, Chest and subcardiac distention, palpitations at the abdomen (especially around the umbilicus), insomnia, anxiety, irritability, melancholia, nervousness, emotional instability, dysuria, constipation, neck mass , light headed, fatigue, sensation of heaviness in the whole body causing motor dysfunction
症狀 :
口苦, 胸脅滿悶, 胸腹有博動感, 煩燥, 易驚, 易怒, 失眠或淺眠, 多夢, 譫語, 小便不利, 便秘, 頭暈, 頸部腫塊, 懶不欲動, 身重
Ingredients( 組成 ) :
Bupleurum(Radix Bupleuri, Chai Hu, 柴胡 )
Scute(Radix Scutellariae, Huang Qin, 黃芩 )
Pinellia(Rhizoma Pinelliae, Ban Xia, 半夏 )
Fresh Ginger(Rhizoma Zingiberis recens, Sheng Jiang, 生薑 )
Ginseng(Radix Ginseng, Ren Shen, 人參 )
Jujube(Fructus Jujubae, Da Zao, 大棗 )
Cinnamon Bark (Ramulus Cinnamomi, Gui Zhi, 桂枝 )
Hoelen(Poria, Fu Ling, 茯苓)
Rhubarb(Rhizoma Rhei, Da Huang, 大黃)
Dragon Bone(Fossilia Ossis Mastodi, Long Gu, 龍骨)
Oyster Shell(Concha Ostreae, Mu Li, 牡蠣)
Magnetite(Magnetitum, Ci Shi, 磁石)
- Works better without eat/drink cold stuff .
- Works better with happy mood and regular sleeping habit (sleep early, get up early) .
- In some cases might cause fart in first few days of taking it.
備註 :
- 用藥期間勿食冷 / 飲冷
- 用藥期間飲食盡量保持心情愉快 , 作息正常 ( 早睡早起 )
- 個別病人在開始用藥的數天內有”排氣“的現象