2050 W Chapman Ave #102, Orange, CA92868
(818) 923-6345 (Text message available)


Clinic located in Orange City, specialized in Pain Control, Headache, Migraine, Menstrual Problems, Menopausal Syndrome, and Infertility - (818) 923-6345

> Article: 7 Acupuncture Points to Help Allergy Sufferers This Spring

  Link:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/sara-calabro/acupuncture_b_1407077.html Picture (points):

A Simple Way Of Meditation

In lot of cases, bad body condition is associated with, or an result of bad mind condition. We all know extreme or uncontrollable emotion brings bad effect to body, but on other hand, these people knows that they need help, since it’s too obvious. Oftentimes in daily life, people wont even realize they are constantly…
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Self-Observation (often asked questions in acupuncture diagnosis)

  The diagnosis of Chinese medicine in a large degree depend on objective and subjective symptoms told by patient, like how is your bowel movement? is your nose congested in the morning? What kind of pain is it? In Chinese medicine, not only does we look at your main complain, but we also want to…
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         You can find references for those most often used Chinese Herb Formula in this page, including ingredients, indications and other information. In lot of cases, one visit per week is not quite enough to get the best result from Acupuncture, but it’ll be inconvenient and expensive to ask patients to come more often, so we recommend patients to…
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Acupuncture Demo (Video)


Direction to Orange Acupuncture

  Orange Acupuncture is located at 2050 W Chapman Ave #102, Orange, Ca92868 . ** There are W Chapman and E Chapman on freeway 57, we are on ” W Chapman Ave”, please make sure you know where to exit the freeway :)   Map:  View Larger Map              …
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Is acupuncture safe? What are the possible risks or side effects?

Yes, acupuncture is very safe. There is a reason why Acupuncture has been the default solution for thousands of years in China and have had such a success expanding into the science-oriented Western World. Acupuncture is not only safe, it generally does not hurt either (often to the surprise of new patients). The needles are so thin…
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What are the symptoms, diseases, or disorders acupuncture can help with?

In America, Acupuncture is most known as an alternative medicine for pain control, but through thousand years of clinical practice and modern researches, Acupuncture has been proved to be able to treat on verities of symptoms and disease, including internal diseases and infection.   In article “Review and analysis of reports on controlled clinical trials”…
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Olympic Gold Medalist Endorses Acupuncture

Olympic Gold Medalist Daniel Kowalski is an Australian Swimmer who has won multiple medals in Freestyle. Obviously, his trainers would not allow him to try and apply any type of medical procedures that are untested or that could affect his health/performance for his competitions, let alone allow him to endorse it in this manner. This is just…
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CCTV program (video) : Traditional Chinese Medicine

Very interesting TV program talking about TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine – Acupuncture, Herb, cupping, tuina and so on). See how Americans in China look at Traditional Chinese Medicine, listen to the stories  they share, including  their experience of having cupping treatment, and how a lot of those Chinese herbs are just normal foods in other countries and lot of them…
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